Public Safety and All Risk Courses
California State Fire Marshall Classes:
Company Officer 2A
Company Officer 2B
Company Officer 2C
Company Officer 2D
Chief Fire Officer 3A
Chief Fire Officer 3B
Chief Fire Officer 3C
Chief Fire Officer 3D
Fire Investigator 1A
Fire Investigator 1B
Fire Investigator 1C
ICS - 300
ICS - 400
S-270 Basic Air Operations
S-231 Engine Boss - Single Resource
Unified Response to Active Shooter:
This course enforces the need for Unified Command between Law and Fire at ASI incidents. Includes ICS Review, Safety, Casualty Collection Point Operations, Unified Response and Command. The course can run from 2-4 hours
Interviewing Techniques for Investigations
This course has been taught to Safety Investigators and reviews techniques used when interviewing witnesses, employees, or others about work place accidents.
Workplace Safety and Security:
This course emphasizes safety and security in the workplace. The students learn very basic first aid, actions for various emergencies and violent incidents. The syllabus also discusses ways to increase security at the work site. The training can be delivered in 2, or 4 hours classes.
8- Hour Fire Investigation Awareness:
This course emphasizes the basics of fire investigation for the public safety first responder. Topics include: legal aspects of investigation, fire patterns, basic interviewing, accidental and arson fire causes, origin and cause basics, vehicle and commercial truck fires and special situations. This class can be delivered to any size group and is a great refresher for fire service professionals.